The flight distance from Singapore to Fiji is: 5,216 miles / 8,394 km
Fiji is south-west of Hawaii
Not Far. Suva is actually in Fiji; it's the capital city of the Fiji Islands.
The distance between Mumbai and Fiji is 7,578 miles / 12,196 km
The distance between Samabula Fiji's Institue of Technology and Suva bus stand is 2.8km apart. A short walk would do the trick.
approximately 1,800 NM
There are approximately 10,265 miles from Paris to Fiji. The estimated flight time from Paris to Fiji is 21 hours and 5 minutes.
Captain James Cook found Fiji in the year 1774 while sailing through between Viti levu & Vanua Levu through the Bligh waters.
hawaii is bigger than fiji
800 miles / 1300 kms.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Fiji would have a flying time of about 13 hours, 16 minutes.