Generally they are masthead light, port and starboard steaming light and stern light. Others may be displayed depending on the length of the vessel and what duties it is carrying out.
lights must be on during periods of restriced visibility
Navigation lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility.
Warship use the same navigation lights as civilian ships. Additional lights may be shown if engaged in special duties.
Navigation lights
On power-driven vessels, navigation lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility.
On power-driven vessels, navigation lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility.
green, red, white
Turn on navigation lights.
Lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility
Lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility
In the US, to my knowledge, the only regular aids to navigation to have white lights are Safe water buoys (Entrance buoys) & range boards. Private aids to navigation may have white lights also. More to follow.
The characteristics of navigation lights on a power driven vessel includes sidelights, sternlight, masthead light, and all-round white lights. Navigation lights must be displayed from sunset until sunrise as well as anytime visibility is restricted.