No. You would need to go to Mackinac City to catch a ferry. Grand Rapids is in the middle west of the city. Mackinac Island is off of the very northing point of the lower peninsula of the state.
1 Grand AveP.O. Box 286Mackinac Island, MI 49757
He is in the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Grand Hotel - Mackinac Island - was created in 1887.
What is the driving time to Lake Michigan from Grand Rapids?
Yes, Ada is closer to Grand Rapids.
The Michigan Desk Company, in Grand Rapids Michigan, was in business from 1906-1918.
From downtown Grand Rapids you can plan on about 40 - 45 minutes to Lake Michigan.
Grand Rapids itself has a population of 188,000. It is Michigan's second largest city.
Yes, Grand Rapids is the second largest city in Michigan. Detroit is first.
Those of us in Michigan call Grand Rapids GR, but I don't think it is widely known outside of Michigan.
Grand Rapids is about a 36 minute drive away from Holland, MI. In kilometers, the distance of Grand Rapids from Holland, MI is 48.7 kilometers. The best way to get there should be by car.
Right off of Grand Rapids Michigan.