With your vessel's bow pointed at zero or 360 on your compass, the green light should be directed at 135 degrees.
Starboard ( right side ) and it should be mounted so it is visible at 135 degrees .
The red light should be on the right side, or port side, of the boat. The green light should be on the left, or starboard, side of the boat.
From dead ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the starboard beam
Columns should be installed in vertical direction only on the other hand pressure vessels can be installed in both vertical and horizontal direction and having certain height limitations for vertical installation.
The sun was shining. The sun was shining so brightly it caused a glare on the road, making driving conditions hazardous. He was a shining example of how a man should treat a lady. She was a shining example of true grace under pressure. He made his living by shining shoes.
Vessels under oars or paddles should exhibit the same navigation lights as sailing vessels if practical. However, un-powered vessels less than 23 feet are only required to have on-hand, one lantern or flashlight shining a white light that must be used between sunset and sunrise in all weather and during restricted visibility.
If you are on the boat facing forward, The red light should be on the left (port) side, shining out forward and to the left. It should NOT be visible from directly behind or from the right side of the boat. Both red and green lights should ONLY be visible from directly in front of the boat.
You should first take a look at the manual to see if that will help. If you are still having troubles, contact the manufacturer.
not possible you should really study more Pokemon
yes, they should
They should be facing in the direction of the book.