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Q: How much feet should be covered for a boat to float in water?
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Related questions

What is the key to making a boat float?

The key to make a boat float is that the boat should weigh less (or have less mass) than the water it displaces.

What is the term for the depth of water needed to float a boat clear of the water?

The term for the depth of water needed to float a boat clear of the water is called the "draft" of the boat.

Why should a boat made of metal float?

The size of the boat is equal to the water displaced by the boat. This means, if the boat is bigger then its weight, the boat will float. If the boat is smaller than its weight, it sinks. This is why metal ships are so big.

Can a paper boat float?

Yes, a paper boat can float on water as long as it is well-made and the paper is not too thin. The boat's ability to float depends on its design and the displacement of water.

What is a boat that can float on water?

wow that's sad a boat that can float is any tye of boat that doesnt have a hole in it

What is the procedure for a boat help it to float in water?

A boat floats in water due to the principle of buoyancy, where the weight of the water displaced by the boat is equal to the weight of the boat itself. To help a boat float, it needs a shape that displaces enough water to support its weight. The design of the boat, including its hull shape and materials used, all contribute to its ability to float effectively.

What is the term for the depth of the water needed to float a boat clear of the?

The term is impossible. A boat cannot float clear of the water.

If a boat got a hole and you covered it with plastic would your boat still sink and if yes why?

yes. if there was still a gap for water to get in.. if you had fully covered the hole with no gaps. then it would stop the water coming in..... pail out what water there was in the boat. and it should not sink....

How do you free a boat once it is grounded?

dig a trench under the middle of the bow, then fill it with water, and the boat should float again.

Why paper boat float on water?


How does a huge boat float?

in water

How does the shape of the boat effect it to sink or float?

The shape of a boat affects its buoyancy and ability to float. A boat with a hull that displaces a greater volume of water will have more buoyancy and float higher in the water, whereas a boat with a shape that allows water to enter easily will sink. Additionally, the weight distribution and design of the boat also play a role in determining if it will sink or float.