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Q: How much does the prarie schooner carry?
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What is the vehicle that many American settlers traveled west in?

conestoga wagon.. nickname: prarie schooner

How do you use schooner in a sentence?

As she was not much of a drinker, one tall schooner of beer was her limit.He sailed his schooner to Mexico to avoid its repossession by the bank.I had never been on a yacht before but spent a wonderful two weeks cruising on a schooner.

How long does a prarie dogs carry there hatchlings?

they dont hold there hatchlings at all some good info

What states do not allow prarie dogs?

pretty much like a lot of them and its not a good idea to get a prarie dog it could harm you its a wild animal

What is the antonym of schooner?

antonym for schooner

What is lighter prairie schooner or conestoga?

a prairie schooner

What type of boat is a schooner?

A schooner is a sailing ship.

What is a good sentence USING schooner?

Here are some sentences.A schooner is a type of boat.The pirate captured the schooner.

How many people can a topsail schooner carry?

The short answer would be that it depends. On quite a few factors. Not the least of which is size. A 15' topsail schooner could carry 1-3, a 150' would obviously carry more. The terminology "topsail schooner" only refers to the ship's sail plan, and can therefore be a ship of any size. And while this typically refers to a ship with two masts, the term has also been applied to those with more than two. However assuming we knew the size then it depends on the layout of the ship. How open is the deck, what are the sleeping accommodations ect. If the ship is designed almost exclusively for day sailing it can obviously carry more people than if it was designed with cabins for each of its passengers. As an example, the 148' Windy II (Could be called a Topsail Schooner, but it is technically a Barquentine) can accommodate 150 passengers for chartered cruises. But in comparison, the 143' Bluenose II (Not a topsail schooner, just a regular schooner) only accommodates 75 passengers. Anyways, I'm sorry that it isn't probably the answer you wanted, but I do hope that it at least helps!

When did Schooner Jenny happen?

Schooner Jenny happened in 1823.

When was The Christmas Schooner created?

The Christmas Schooner was created in 1996.

Why was the Schooner wagon considered faster than others?

I'm not aware of the schooner wagon being faster. However, the difference I am aware of is the schooner wagon used no draft animals to pull it. Instead it had a sail and the wind provided the force to propel the wagon, much like a ship at sea.