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Depends on how big the boat is - 1 person to 100 people.

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Q: How many people need to be on a sailing boat?
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How big a sailing boat need to be for the ocean?

There is no minimum size. Just common sense

How do you prepare yourself to go sailing?

First of all, you need a boat, preferably without any holes! You need to dress appropriately, i.e wet suit or possibly even a dry suit. Over that you'll need overalls to protect both your wet suit and yourself from the wind .Then you'll need to rig your boat... happy sailing.

What people know sailing?

Well I am sailing instructor and there are lots of us around the wold. We know sailing. If u need to no more about sailing ask me.

Boat Storage?

form_title=Boat Storage form_header=Love sailing away, but have no idea where to store? Store your boat with help from qualified storage professionals. How long is your boat?=_ How wide is the widest point of your boat?=_ Do you need to store your boat all-year or just during the off-season?= {(),All Year,Off Season,Not Sure} Will you need help transporting the boat?= () Yes () No () Not Sure

What rules do you need to know to do sailing?

The best way to learn the rules you need for sailing are the same as in any other boating activity and can best be learned in a free United states Coast Guard Auxiliary class. I know of two good ways to learn to sail. The first is to volunteer to crew for some one that owns a boat. The other way is to take a vacation and attend one of the many sailing schools that you will find listed an most sailing magazines. Sailing like many other activities can be learned in one day but you can spend the rest of your life trying to learn how to do it well.

How many people could a canal boat carry?

hey im not answering but will someone tell me how many people a canal boat can carry.i need the answer by march 24 or i am getting an F on my history project

What is the average distance traveled by a sailing ship per day?

Unless it is an especially fast boat, the average sailboat sails 5 knots if they're lucky. That's 5 nautical miles per hour. Multiply that by the number of hours sailing per day (are they sailing at night?) and you get the range. Since the wind is a factor, you will soon learn it is impossible to predict the distance any given day or week. Sailboats are for people who enjoy sailing, powerboats are for people who need to get from point A to point B.

How do you sail a sailing boat?

You need all the senses. (eg. sight,smell), a boat, a sail, some water to sail in would be good, a tiller, a rudder, and some wind would be useful too.

What do you need to go sailing?

You will need a boat, but you can rent a boat from a club sometimes. Also you will need proper clothing. This includes shoes, jacket (wind breaker like), maybe gloves, polarized sunglasses, sunscreen, a hat, and a special certified life jacket. sometimes you may want to bring extra rope just in case, also a Swiss army knife may be good. Happy Sailing :) check out the book "25 Things Every Sailor Needs (and why)" for a complete list of everything you should have when you go sailing.

How big a sailboat do you need to sail from Louisiana to Florida?

A sailboat around 25-40 feet in length would be suitable for sailing between Louisiana and Florida. This size boat would offer enough space and equipment for long-distance cruising while still being manageable for a small crew. It's important to ensure the boat is equipped with necessary safety and navigation gear for the journey.

Do you need a license for sailing in the US?


Why do sailing ship need frequent painting?

Sailing Ships need frequent painting because the air in the sea is salty so it will rust