Arnold Schwarzeneggar won Mr. Olympia 5 consecutive times between 1971 and 1975 as well a in 1980 after coming out of retirement to compete again.
He has four children... Two girls and two boys.
7 times
He has won the title 6 times in a row. 1970 Mr. Qlympia (New York) 1971 Mr. Olympia (Paris) 1972 Mr. Olympia (Essen, Germany) 1973 Mr. Olympia (New York) 1974 Mr. Olympia (New York) 1975 Mr. Olympia (Pretoria, South Africa)
how many miles is it from Augusta to Olympia
oh absolutely, the man is pure genius, well not education wise, though he was elected governor, but the point is this guy has taught us so much about human physique and how to live a ideal body builder life which has inspired many, ohh and his speech is quite unique.
He has been Mr. Universe 5 times: 1967 NABBA Mr. Universe, amateur (London) 1968 NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London) 1969 IFBB Mr. Universe, amateur (New York) 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London) 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London)
Arnold won the Mr. Olympia 7 times.
what kind of punishment are there in ancient Olympia? how did orders go in ancient Olympia? if womans were punished is there punishment were bad? what kind of prizes are there in ancient greec olypia? what kind of titles are there in ancient Greece Olympia? did mens get punished for any sports? where was ancient Greece Olympia started? did womans get to compete through the olympic games? why did ancient Greece have those kind of sports? why were womans aloud to take part of the olympic games? what culture practise are there? why did they have those practises? what were winners crowned with? what religious facitys are there? Note by Rosary Lopapalangi..........
About 60 miles...i live in Olympia
There are very many post offices in Olympia Greece. One of the busiest post office in Olympia Greece is along the Latta Road.