1000 miles
The distance from Detroit, Michigan to Chicago, Illinois by ship is 238.3 miles. The time it takes to make this trip is 8 hours 15 minutes.
Nautical miles
5 miles
Approximately 650 standard miles (565 nautical miles). This assumes a route going north through Lake Huron then south through Lake Michigan to get from Detroit to Chicago strictly by boat.
25 miles
The distance from New York to Los Angeles by boat is 3,935.55 kilometers. It is equivalent to 2,445.43 miles or 2,123.62 nautical miles.
12000 miles I think
25 miles
25 miles.
A trick question! The boat is still quite close to the point where it dropped the anchor! ============================ The boat is approximately 25 miles from its starting point, and exactly zero miles from the point where the anchor was dropped.