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Q: How many Beneteau sailboats have been built?
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Related questions

How many taswell 43 sailboats?

I'm not certain, but I believe there were 60+ hulls of the Taswell 43 built, beginning in 1988.

How many sailboats equal a mile?

depends how big the sailboats are

Who manufactures Dolphin sailboats?

Many builders have participated in the manufacture of Dolphin Sailboats. Please see the related link below.

How many tons of freight is carried by sailboats?

That depends on how big the sailboats are. Some can carry just a few tons, some can carry many hundreds of tons.

What civilization was thought to have used the first sailboats?

The first sailboat is thought to have been invented in Mesopotamia in approximately 1300BC. They have since been used by many civilizations, such as the Vikings.

How were Egyptian funerary boats made?

There were many types of boats that Egyptians used. Papyrus boats were used by Egyptians. Papyrus boats were built with bundles of papyrus. They were steered with oars. Sailboats were used a lot by Egyptians. Sailboats were steered by two oars. Sailboats usually only had one square sail. Funeral boats carried dead people down river. They were used to carry the dead across the Nile River. The funeral boats were very elaborate.

How many 737s have been built?

Over 7,400 have been built so far.

How many years has it been since the Lincoln Memorial was built?

Its been built since 1922 so its been built for 88 years

How many times has the golden temple been built?

two times it was built

How many cars has been built?

not known

There were 136 sailboatseach sailboat carried 4 people how many people were in the sailboats together?

There were four people in each sailboat, together. Not ALL together... This "word riddle" would have been easier if there had been proper punctuation.

How many sailboats are sold in the us every year?

2 or 3 every year