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Q: How long would it take to sail from Spain to the far east around Africa in the 15th century?
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Is it faster to go around Africa or south America to get to Asia from Spain?

From spain I would say Africa although your better off using Suez canal and you will instantly be in Asia.

What if you are close as you can get to Africa while you're in Europe what country would you be in?

You would be in Spain... the only thing separating Spain from Africa - is the Strait of gibraltar.

Sailing south from Spain which continent would you reach?


Sailing south of Spain which Continent would you reach?


Sailing from Spain which continent would you reach?

It depends where in Spain you are sailing from and which direction you are sailing in. The answer can be either Africa (due south from mainland Spain), Europe (due north from Ceuta or Melilla), North America (due west from mainland Spain - specifically Galicia), or South America (southwest from mainland Spain).

Which two continents did the British begin to colonize in the 17th century?

In the 17th century, the British began to colonize North America and South America. It would not be until the 19th century that the British would acquire large land-holdings in Africa and Asia.

Would Spain or Switzerland have warmer weather year around why?

Spain, it is further south.

Where did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella live in Spain?

Castile and Grenada, which was the provisional capital of Spain at the time.

How did Columbus get the queen of Spain to pay for his expidition?

He probably explained his theory that the world was a sphere and that it should be a shorter trip to the East Indies (Southeast Asia). if he went west around the globe, than the current route. The route at that time was south around the tip of Africa, up the east coast of Africa, and across the Indian Ocean. He would have explained the commercial advantages to Spain if they had a shorter trip than the competition. Then he probably asked for the financing.

Do ships traveling from the UK to China go through the Panama Canal or around Africa?

I believe that they go through the Mediterranean Sea, considering the Panama Canal is in South America. They would go through Achilles Pass, which is the spot where Spain and Africa meet, go through the Mediterranean, end up in either Syria or Turkey, and then would be on land and could travel through Eastern Europe to Asia. If that was not the case and they were to take a water course only, then yes, they would go around Africa.

What turning point of spanish history took place in the 8th century?

The Islamic Moors overran Spain and occupied and ruled most of it for the next 3 centuries. They got their chance to do this when the Spanish king was foolish enough to force himself on one of the Queen's ladies, who happened to be the daughter of the Governor of the Spanish fort in North Africa that guarded the only easy crossing from Africa to Spain. When the father did not get any 'satisfaction' from the King for the assault on his daughter, he simply let the Moors through at their next attempt. Only in the 15th century would the last vestiges of Moorish rule be removed.

What resource of central Africa would have been most attractive to 19th-century European imperialists?
