There are 1,255 nautical miles between Dublin Ireland and St. Petersburg Russia, which is the closest European port. At 20 mph, it would take 62 hours and 45 minutes, or 2 full (24 hour) days and 14 hours and 45 minutes to get there. At 30 mph, it would take 41 hours and 48 minutes, or 1 full day and 17 hours and 48 minutes. At 40 mph, it would take 31 hours and 18 minutes, or 1 full day and 7 hours and 18 minutes. Basically, the faster your sailboat is, the less time it will take.
About a month, depending on weather conditions.
It would take the average sailboat, traveling at 6 Nm/hr, approximately 6 days to reach New York from Ireland.
That would depend on the kind of boat and the way it was powered, like whether by sail or engine. By sail it would take several weeks. With an engine it can done in a few days.
Peanut butter
The vikings sailed into England, Ireland, Iceland, Russia, and North Africa. But they mainly only thinking about to attack the England.
How many days does it take to sail from belfast to Mexico
lol how much can u count without stoping,,,for each number its 100 meters,,,,,dats how long its going to take
how long wil it take to sail from RSA to Odessa
There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.There are no ferries doing the journey, but people do sail across the Atlantic between Ireland and Canada. Ireland is due west of parts of Canada.
There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.There are no direct flights between Cuba and Ireland. You would have to fly to another city in Europe first, and then to Dublin. If you had your own boat, you could sail directly from Havana to Dublin.
Trick question. You can't sail a steamship.