This is not an answerable question
No Cruise Company has advertised a Cruise on this route currently
The type of sail boat, route to be taken and time of year are not specified.
it takes exactly 7 hrs and 3 days
how long does it take to sail from Pakistan to England
The distance by water is around 5300 miles, so figure out your average daily sailing speed then you will be able to figure out how long it will take.
how long wil it take to sail from RSA to Odessa
A few hours, depending on how fast you sail.
It is about 35 to 45 minutes from Tampa to Lakeland if you take I4.
You can't sail from London to Cologne.
How long did it take for sir Walter Raleigh to sail across the world
Tampa is a citywithin the state of Florida.
a long time
It is about an hour and a half from Tampa to Punta Gorda.
a long time