depends on the size of the vessel, the route you take and the winds you encounter. Minimum 4 days maximum 30 days.
It takes about 1 day, 11 hours and 25 minutes to travel from Miami, Florida to Puerto Rico by ship. The distance is 1,020 miles.
There are no cruises on the major cruises lines that simply sail from Miami to San Juan and back. There are many that leave Miami that stop in San Juan. Per the discussion, the original poster wanted to know about direct sailings, staying for two weeks in Puerto Rico and then sailing back to Miami. There are no such commercial offerings. You could possibly charter a boat on your own.
The Caribbean.
Yes, you can ship your car to Puerto Rico, but not on a ferry. If you are moving to Puerto Rico, your car can be loaded onto a shipping container and sent along with your belongings.
Depends on what kind of boat: row,sail,motor....
Ponce de Leon mostly visited Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Florida.
64 days
The time it takes to sail from Miami to Venezuela is about one day, It is fifty miles from Miami to Venezuela.
64 days
Juan Ponce De Leon sailed to Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, Hisponiola, and Puerto Rico.
Depends on many factors, figure two long days unless you want to sail in the dark.
2 hours