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It takes at least 2 weeks

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Q: How long does it take for a container ship from Seattle to Cebu Philippines?
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How long is a flight from Seoul to Cebu?

A typical flight from Seoul, South Korea to Cebu, Philippines takes about 3 hours and 46 minutes.

What is the date when the Sinulog Festival is celebrated?

The Sinulog Festival in Cebu City is said to commemorate the first Christian Baptismal ceremony in the area, when Ferdinand Magellan paused there in 1521 during his circumnavigation of the globe.

How long does it take to get to Cebu?

The time necessary to get to Cebu depends on where you start out.

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Daanbantayan is a 1st class municipality in the province of Cebu, the Philippines, occupying the northern tip of Cebu Island. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 74,897 people. Malapascua Island is part of the jurisdiction of the municipality of Daanbantayan.Every year, Daanbantayan celebrates the Haladaya Festivalwhich is in honor of Datu Daya, the legendary founder of the town.

How long is the flight from cebu city to quezon city?

From John B Cebu, flight time from Cebu to Doha is 9 hours and 45 mins, I'll be taking the flight 9th July 2009.

How long does it take the ferry from seattle to Vancouver?

how long to ferry from seattle to vancouver canada

How long does it take to fly from Colombo to Cebu?

take a flight and find out?

How long does it take to get from Manila to Cebu?

Only one hour by plane.

Based on the ato-Philippines history is it not worth changing the alpha chapter to university of southern Philippines instead of university of san carlos because usp is the place of ato founding?

While University of Southern Philippines (USP) is indeed significant in the history of ATO in the Philippines, University of San Carlos (USC) was the first chapter established and has a long-standing tradition within the fraternity. Changing the alpha chapter to USP may cause confusion and disrupt the established legacy tied to USC. It could be more appropriate to honor USP's role through other means while respecting the existing history and tradition associated with USC.

How long is the flight from the Philippines to Utah?

It took 16 hours for a neighbor guy who is military to fly from the Philippines to the states. He had a short 1/2 hour layover in Seattle before flying home to Nevada. I assume it isn't much different for Utah. The speed of the plane is a factor in time as well as where the transfers are made (Seattle or Los Angelos).

How long does it take mail from Cebu to Texas?

1 to 14 days or more

How long is the I-90 bridge in Seattle?
