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Via the Panama Canal would shave some time off of the normal route, around the Horn.

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Q: How long does it take a sail boat to sail from Florida to California?
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How long does it take to sail boat to sail from San Diego California to Cozumel Mexico?

Couple days

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How long does it take to travel from California to Japan by boat?

By kayak, it would take about 35 days to travel from California to Japan. It takes 80 days by sail boat.

How long does it take to sail from Florida to Cancun Mexico?

The amount of time it takes to sail the 550 miles to Cancun Mexico from Florida depends on many different factors. The size of the boat, the average speed it travels, where in Florida the boat is leaving from and the wind factors. A boat traveling about an average of five knots would take about five days to reach Cancun.

Can you sail a 25 to 33ft boat from Louisville KY to Florida?

Yes, of course!

What is a boat with a sail called?

A sail boat or yacht.

How long does it take to sail from England to US?

It takes 23 weeks in a sail boat to go to USA

What shape sail will make a sail boat go faster?

In my years of Sailboating in the Waters of the Florida Coast I have found that the best sail to use would be a circular sail painted blue with pink polka dots

Is it possible to sail a boat from California to Australia?

Yes indeed. It has been done many times

How long does it take to sail from Florida around Cape Horn to California on a 50-foot sailboat?

No more than 3 months, unexpected disasters notwithstanding.

How long will it take to sail by boat form Jamaica to England?

it takes a long time

What boat has a sail?

A sail boat Also motorsailers and rafts