160 miles
The driving distance from Florence, Italy to Venice, Italy is 258km
The driving distance from Florence, Italy to Venice, Italy is 161 miles / 259 km
The flight distance from Venice, Italy to Florence, Italy is: 127 miles / 205 km
The flight distance from Venice, Italy to Florence, Italy is: 127 miles / 205 km
Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa
You would be going south toward Rome. It is Florence, Venice, Pisa, Rome.
You would be going south toward Rome. It is Florence, Venice, Pisa, Rome.
It will take approximately 1 hour 35 minutes to get from Venice to Florence by auto.
The train journey from Florence to Venice takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Venice, Naples, and Rome are in Italy.
Milan, Genoa, Venice, and Florence were the four major trade cities. They allowed importing and exporting, which brought in money.