The distance between San Diego, California and Hilo, Hawaii is 2506 miles (4034 km).
2013 Miles from Hilo Hawaii to San Francisco
2,553 mi Distance from San Diego, CA to Kailua-Kona, HI
Varies among cities, as Baja California is quite a large peninsula. Straight-line distance between Hilo and Tijuana (bordering San Diego) is 4,035 kilometers (2,508 miles). Distance between Hilo and Los Cabos is 4,700 kilometers (2,921 miles).
not to far, they're both in Downtown San Diego
very far
It's a 5 mile drive from the San Diego Zoo to the San Diego airport.
San Diego is in southwestern California, U.S.A., not far from the Mexican border.
8.4 miles
Hawaii is directly west of Guadalajara, Mexico. Measuring from the southwestern most major city of San Diego, CA in the continental United States to the northeastern most city of Hilo in Hawaii, it is '''2506 miles (4034 km) (2178 nautical miles) according to the calculator at'''
San Diego is 502.31 miles away from San Francisco by car.
Chino is approximately two hours from San Diego
Phoenix is 354.78 miles away from San Diego.