It will float because water has more density than air and barges have air in them
A barge made of metal can float in water because of its shape and displacement. The barge is designed to displace a volume of water that is greater than its own weight, allowing it to float. Additionally, the buoyant force acting on the barge provides the necessary upward force to keep it afloat.
If you add more sand the barge will be weighed down taking away height from the barge. If you take away sand, the barge will float higher and have an even better chance of not being able to fit under the bridge.
It does if you spread it in to a boat or barge shape because other than that it will just sink.
Never mind. I got it on my own. We had to figure the mass of the barge, and used Archimedes principle about fluid displacement and worked it out from there. Thanks for anyone who might have been trying to help.
You calculate the volume of water displaced (volume of hull up to the waterline level), and multiply by the density of the water in which it will float.
A barge master is a person who is in charge of transport on a barge.
Ed Barge's birth name is Edward J. Barge.
A barge pole is a variety of quant pole used to propel a barge through the water.
Barge (English) -> Péniche (French)
Brenda of the Barge was created in 1920.
Girl on the Barge was created in 1929.
Gene Barge was born in 1926.