If you can get to it, an inflatable device could be connected to the boat, then inflated.
That is the correct spelling of "salvage" (to recover, as from a sunken ship).
Donald's tug boat is in Ostown, but it is sunken in thiner.
A boat-shaped abdomen is another term for a scaphoid abdomen - a condition in which the abdomen's anterior wall is sunken and hollow.
The (RMS) Lusitania.
fish with a skitter prop 7 frog near the sunken boat
go to the sunken treasure cove and a mermaid will give it to you inside the boat entrance on the left.
Unless sunk for target practice (meaning there's no bodies in them); all sunken warships are WAR GRAVES! Diving in a sunken "warship" (battle sunk) is walking the grey line between "pleasure diving" and "grave robbing."
When destroyed, a boat results in 3 wood and 2 sticks so no, you unfortunately cannot recover a placed boat.
Submersibles work on undersea oilwells, recover practice torpedoes, search for sunken ships or things that have fallen off ships and sunk.
Titanic sank at 2:20am; Carpathia arrived on the scene at around 4:00am.
generally xerophytic plants have sunken stomata
Sunken is not a verb so it doesn't have present or past tense. Sunken is an adjective