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always approach a mooring buoy bow first slowly from the downwind side so when you tie off the boat can drift back with out fouling the mooring chain or line

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Q: How do you approach a mooring buoy?
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What do you do when approach a mooring buoy?

Approach slowly, so as not to run over the mooring line or buoy

When approaching a mooring buoy which of the following should you do?

Go slow when approaching

When approaching a buoy what should you do?

Approach slowly, so as not to run over the mooring line or buoy

What should you do when you approach a mooring buoy?

approach slowly so as not to run over the mooring line or the buoyslow down stay 150 feet away

When approaching a mooring buoy it is best to approach with wind from?

Wind towards the bow. Otherwise the wind can push you into the buoy.

When approaching a mooring buoy should you do?

approach slowly so as not to run over the mooring line or the buoyslow down stay 150 feet away

When approaching mooring buoy what should you do?

approach slowly so as not to run over the mooring line or the buoyslow down stay 150 feet away

When approaching a mooring buoy you should?

approach slowly so as not to run over the mooring line or the buoyslow down stay 150 feet away

What designates mooring buoy?

White buoy with horizontal blue stripe is designated as a mooring buoy. White buoy with horizontal blue stripe-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The INTERNATIONAL mooring buoy is a white buoy with and orange stripe around its top portion (an orange top)

What Designated as a mooring buoy?

White buoy with horizontal blue stripe is designated as a mooring buoy. White buoy with horizontal blue stripe-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The INTERNATIONAL mooring buoy is a white buoy with and orange stripe around its top portion (an orange top)

What is designated as a mooring buoy?

White buoy with horizontal blue stripe is designated as a mooring buoy. White buoy with horizontal blue stripe-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The INTERNATIONAL mooring buoy is a white buoy with and orange stripe around its top portion (an orange top)

What designates a mooring buoy?

White buoy with horizontal blue stripe is designated as a mooring buoy. White buoy with horizontal blue stripe-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The INTERNATIONAL mooring buoy is a white buoy with and orange stripe around its top portion (an orange top)