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Q: How do girls mast urbate?
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The third mast on a vessel called?

Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast.Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located near the center of the ship.Mizzen-mast: the third mast, or the mast immediately aft of the main-mast.(information from wikipedia)

What is the Mast in front of a ship?

The front mast is called the Foremast. Sometimes it is called the mizzen mast.

What is the Robert Frost poem about a ship whose mast is broken and a girls hair that looks like seaweed in the ocean?

There does not seem to be a poem by Robert Frost about a ship with a broken mast and a girl whose hair looks like seaweed in the ocean. Robert Frost did write "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep" about the ocean but makes no mention of a broken mast or a woman.

What is a pole in the middle of a sailboat that holds up the sail called?


How do you use the word mast in a sentence?

The ship's mast stood tall against the clear blue sky.

What is a ship's main mast?

The main mast is the tallest of all masts on the ship. If all masts are the same height, then the one with the top navigationlight is the main mast. If there is only one mast, then that would be the main mast.

What is the shorter mast on the boat?

The shorter mast ahead of the main is the foremast. The shorter mast abaft the main is the mizzen mast. On four or more masted boats -- I don't know.

How do you make your own free radio?

Mast Mast Radio

When was Mast Kalandar created?

Mast Kalandar was created in 1991.

When was Günter Mast born?

Günter Mast was born in 1927.

When did Günter Mast die?

Günter Mast died in 2011.

What is Chahar Mast's population?

Chahar Mast's population is 82.