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a sailor uses an astrolabe by using it to tell latitude

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Walter Carter

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Q: How did sailors use astrolabes?
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How do compasses and astrolabes help sailors?

Compasses help sailors determine the direction in which they are traveling by detecting the Earth's magnetic field. Astrolabes were used by sailors to determine the altitude of celestial bodies, such as the sun or stars, which helped them navigate by calculating their position relative to these reference points.

Why did sailors use an astrolabe?

Astrolabes had numerous purposes. At sea, the astrolabe would have been used to calculate one's position in the water based on the position of the sun, stars, or the moon.

How do people use astrolabes?

You need to look where the shadow is leaning

What navigation equipment did european sailors use in the 1400s?

well I know that they did not use Viking ship designs. 3======D 0:

What navigatin tools did explorers use in the 1500's?

Astrolabes, maps

What technology did juan ponce de leon use to sail?

most likely a ship and compass

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Why do pirates use spyglasses?

The same what sailors use as telescopes. The words are the same (Within reason). Sailors are not pirates.

Was hypatia a contributor?

She could make astrolabes.

What has the author R T Gunther written?

R. T Gunther has written: 'The astrolabes of the world' -- subject(s): Ashmolean Museum, Astrolabes, Bibliography

How navigators and sailors use magnetic compass in preparing route maps?

how the navigators and sailors use compass to find direction

How do sailors use flags?

they use them to give signals