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Q: How could the changes in fluid speed and pressure lead to collision of the two boats are sailing side-by-side in narrow space?
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What is your obligations if involved in collision with another boat?

If you're sailing, and following the (International) Racing Rules of Sailing, if you are in the wrong you must do a 720 degree turn (two circles).

How does air pressure move boats?

When a sailing boat is sailing into the wind the shape of the sail acts like a plane's wing and differential pressure across the sail propels the boat forward.

How does air pressure move air?

When a sailing boat is sailing into the wind the shape of the sail acts like a plane's wing and differential pressure across the sail propels the boat forward.

When is the only time a sailing vessel gives way to a power-driven vessel?

In Australia, sailing boats only have to give way to commercial boats. When collision is imminent. Exercising your "right of way" can be detrimental to your lives and crafts.

When a sailing vessel and a PWC are meeting head on which one is the give way vessel?

When a sailing vessel and a PWC are meeting head on normally, the sail boat has the right of way, but who wants to risk a collision? Both should be aware of what is going on.

What should a motorboat do when approaching a sailing vessel head on?

Power should give way to sail, if a collision is imminent or you are ever unsure on what to do always turn to starboard (right).

Where are pacific shipping lanes?

i am sailing a small sail boat from the California coast to the Philippines, and would like to stay clear of the comm. shipping lanes to avoid a collision

What attributes does a sailing boat have?

Hull, mast, tiller(or rudder), center- or daggerboard, sail, lines with which to manipulate the sail to effect changes of direction.

What is parrell sailing?

Do you mean "Para-sailing" or "Parallel sailing"?

What is cross sailing?

Cross sailing is sailing towards the wind.

What are the release dates for Sailing Sailing - 1925?

Sailing Sailing - 1925 was released on: USA: 15 December 1925

Why are the winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones called trade winds?

Trade winds are named as such because they historically helped to facilitate trade routes by providing consistent and reliable winds for sailing ships. These winds blow from the subtropical high pressure zones towards the equator and are known for their steady and consistent nature, making them valuable for sailing and navigation.