Sail, Rudder, Centreboard, Hull, Boom,
She's a positive optimist but her husband is a big pessimist.
Optimist is derived from the Latin optimum meaning "best thing". An optimist is a person who tends to have a positive view on most things. People who are optimists generally expect the best outcome in a situation.
You have to find a sailing club and then get on the team... and then the club will give you an optimist... I don't know what will your club will say about buying sails but I bought my own sail... I recommend NorthSails.. You will need special clothes.... such as hiking shorts, dry suit, dry top, couple of lycras, some thermal stuff to keep you warm in the dry suit... You need to have an optimist along with a sail and blades (rudder and daggerboard) You need to have a place to sail and leave your boat. I belong to a club that provides everything except the lifejackets. So really you have 2 choices 1. You belong to a club that provides the boat, sail and blades 2. You get your own everything and then have a place to sail and leave your boat! I highly recommend wind and water as well as deck shoes. Some folks actually take sailing lessons... go figure!
Gloomy optimist
an optimst lol
An optimist, is someone who generally looks at situations in a positive light.
Optimist is the antonym of pessimist.
yes he was a optimist
The antonym for "optimist" is "pessimist".
The plural of optimist is optimists.
The cast of The Optimist - 2012 includes: Kal Bonner as The Optimist