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Head for tide / Stem the tide. Have both anchors out of hawse pipe i.e ready for let go (deployment).

Let go / walk back windward anchor.

Use engine at a very slow speed (Dead slow ahead) & continue pay out cable. Speed over ground to be minimum for not to strain the windlass & cable.

Once paid out about double of the cables (eg 10 shackles for final 5 on each), engine to be stopped.

As V/l commences falling back with the tide, commence heaving on the windward anchor AND Let go / Walk back leeward anchor.

Continue heaving on windward anchor & walking back leeward anchor till final position is achieved i.e say 5 shackles on each anchor.

Running moor is just opposite operation of standing moor but it is more controlled operation as engine is used (The standing moor can be done without the use of engine as first anchor is deployed at upstream.) The other advantage of running moor is that the final turning circle is believed to be lesser than that of a standing moor.

Mind you both running & standing moor is done to minimise the swinging arcs.

Bon Voyage.

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