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Yes, because if the sale is bigger it will catch more wind wich will make the boat move faster. If the sale is smaller it will catch less wind and it will go slower.

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Q: Does the size of a sail increase the speed of a boat?
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How much wind is needed to sail?

A little wind can move a boat depending on the size and weight of the boat.

How big is a sail?

There is no set size for a sail. There are standard sizes for many vessels but a boat may have more than one sail and these too, will be different.

How long does it take to sail from Florida to Cancun Mexico?

The amount of time it takes to sail the 550 miles to Cancun Mexico from Florida depends on many different factors. The size of the boat, the average speed it travels, where in Florida the boat is leaving from and the wind factors. A boat traveling about an average of five knots would take about five days to reach Cancun.

How long will it take to sail by boat to Africa from Brazil?

It depends on the size of the sails, the wind conditions and ocean currents. But, generally speaking, a modern sail boat of average size (with an experienced sailor) could make the trip in under two weeks.

How long does it take to go to Cancun from Miami by boat?

There are several factors that have to be asked before giving an answer? Type of boat? Size of boat? Average cruising speed of the boat? Sail Boat what is the wind factor, direction, knots? Example; I'm sailing a 37ft sail boat that averages 5 kph or 5.75 mph. Cancun to Miami is approx 525-550 miles around the northern tip of Cuba. So 550 miles @ 5 knots = 4 days

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What features make a sailing boat fast?

the wind, the sail size, the resistance under water.

How do you judge boat speed?

you usually judge boat speed depending on its size. if its a smaller boat then it would be by MPH. but for bigger boats they go by knots

What is the average speed limit for a boat?

depends on the size. a trailer boat=30mph a ski boat=60mph

Boat Trailers for Sale?

form_title= Boat Trailers for Sale form_header= Sail away after you purchase a boat trailer. What type of boat trailer do you need?*= _ [50] What is the size of your boat?*= _ [50] Do you want a new or used trailer?*= () New () Used

What should the power boat do when crossing a sail boat?

Generally speaking : give way, unless it is a 'commercial' powered boat. The reason: a relatively small boat with an engine can maneuver, accelerate and slow down much more easily than a sail boat. But commercial ships practically always have right of way over everyone else: because of their size and weight slowing down and maneuvering is much more difficult than for a sail boat and large ships having to swerve to avoid sail boats would create a hazard for all other ships.

How big of a sailboat is needed to sail from Hawaii to Australia?

You can sail anywhere on any size boat, although for one for a long voyage probably one that you will be comfortable on for a long time.