A few weeks.
The original key has a chip that is programmed to start the vehicle. A copy key will unlock the doors but will not start the vehicle because it does not have a chip in it. If the copy DOES have a chip, it need to be programmed in order to start the vehicle. You may need a key with a security chip in it, check dealer
But you need a key to start a car . Impossible
it means you need it Like you need a key to start a car
You need to do what is called hot wiring if you want to start your Toyota Hilux without the key.
You need a working key. You will need to have the dealer or a locksmith cut and program a new key.You need a working key. You will need to have the dealer or a locksmith cut and program a new key.
Sailboat is your head Sailboat is your headSailboat is your head
Salad, sailboat, saucer and saxophone start with s. Scarecrow, scoter, shark and sidewalk start with s.
You put the key in the ignition and turn, you don't need a fob in order to start a car.
No, You do not need a key fob to start a car. When starting a car, you put the key in the ignition and turn. Power comes from car battery, not from the key fob battery!
You still need a key to enter a smart or hybrid car. What you do not need to start the engine in the same way as for a petrol or diesel engine. What you will need to do is enable the power on button in a smart car with the key to start the electric motor in the smart car.