Actually the submarine will not kill any one, but the rockets and torpedo launched from the submarine kill the people.
submarines are important because people need to go under the sea and do what they got to do to save the world
Yes, they had crews.
In World War 2 submarines people had many jobs. Some listened to different radio signals, and others watched the sonar. There were also navigators, torpedo loaders and shooters, and preachers. In most submarines there were surgeons.
As far as civilian submarines, technically no, as tourist submarines aren't actually transporting from point A to point B. For military submarines, absolutely. People using submarines as transport vessels are Special Forces (e.g., SEAL's), Navy research scientists (Polar Expeditions), and other individuals designated as required.
guns dont kill people, people kill people.
Yes, there are submarines that are used as pleasure vessels in waters that have clear water, and there are very wealthy people who have their own submarine for fun. Most submarines are very expensive, and either used for research or for military purposes.
ocean drawbacks are, submarines if the submarine has a mistake it can kill a person. volcanoes drawbacks are, if you fall in on you can die.
the people kill the people...the gun is just making it easier