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to the starboard side means right side

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Q: Do ships still dock with the left side to the port?
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1.A dock for large ships.2. The left side of a ship

What is the place where ships dock?

Port, dock or warf

Why is port called port?

Just like a port at a shipping dock. ships will dock with the port. Cables for computers will dock in the computer ports.

A place where ships dock?


What is a place were ships dock?

Dock, quay, port, harbour.

What is a place were ships can dock?

Dock, quay, port, harbour.

What is the place called where ships dock?

Port, dock or warf

The place where ships dock?


Where is a place along a coastline where ships can dock safely?

It is called a harbor, which can be natural or artificial.

What is the space for ships to dock called?

A dock nim rod! Actually a port.

Where do ships dock in ft lauderdale?

Port Everglades

Ships dock in the UK?

There are hundreds of harbors and ports in the UK where private, commercial and military ships may dock. The largest port in the UK is the Port of Felixstowe which welcomes over 3000 ships each year.