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Q: Did Magellan crew die of hunger and illness after taking three months to cross the pacific ocean?
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What explorer took more than 3 months to cross the pacific and many of the crew died of hunger and illness?

Ferdinand Magellan

It took us more than three months to cross the pacific ocean and many of my crew died of hunger and illness?


What is Magellan's density?

3 months of sailing through the pacific ferdinand magellan

What's the thing that Magellan underestimate its size?

Ferdinand Magellan underestimated the size of the Pacific Ocean and thought that the Spice Islands were only a few days away. However, the voyage lasted about four months. Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the world and cross the Pacific. He set out on this expedition voyage in 1519.

How did the Pacific Ocean get named?

Pacific means peaceful or quiet. The Pacific Ocean was named by Ferdinand Magellan. It took him three months to sail through the peaceful calm waters, which was why he called it the Pacific Ocean.

Who took more then three months to cross the Pacific Ocean and many of the crew died of hunger and illnesses?


Why wasn't fresh food and water taken on board while crossing the Pacific during Magellan's Voyage?

Magellan underestimated the largeness and vastness of the pacific ocean. And so did not take on any new food, water, and supplies. He thought it would take only a few days when really it ended up taking a few months (4 to be exact). He thought the world was small.

When is the hunger pains movie coming out?

there is not really a Hunger Pains, But the Hunger Games movie came out a couple months ago.

To loose 10 kg in 4 months?

Find a reason to go on hunger strike... for 4 months

Why did Sir John Harington die?

he died of an illness a few months before he died. The illness is not yet mentioned

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In a couple months, the movie just came out!

How many months did it take lewis and clark to reach the pacific?

18 months