Overtaking boats are give way boats
Overtaking boats are give way boats
Overtaking boats are give way boats
overtaking boats are give-way boats
Overtaking boats are give-way boats
Generally the overtaking boat is the give way vessel depending on circumstances.
The boat overtaking the other boat is the give way vessel.
The overtaking craft should give way, as the overtaking craft should be the one with the most control, as it is initiating the move.
The vessel overtaking another vessel
The vessel being "overtaken" is the stand-on vessel. The vessel "overtaking" is the give-way vessel.
A sailboat under sail should never give way to a motor boat. However, if it comes up against another sail boat: 1. Overtaking boats must give way 2. Those on Starboard tack have right of way 3. The boat that is closest to the wind (or on the windward side) should give way
the PWC