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Q: According to west virginia law how far must you keep your boat from the outer boundary of a swimming area that is clearly marked by red and yellow buoys?
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Explain why there is no clearly define boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate?

There is a clearly defined boundary. Part of that boundary is called the San Andreas Fault.

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A region with clearly defined borders is called a distinct boundary or demarcated area. It is a specific geographic area with identifiable limits that separate it from its neighboring regions.

Why there is no clearly defined boundary between the Pacific plate and the north American plate?

well there can be one answer and it’s i don’t know

Why there is no clearly defined boundary between the pacific plate and north American plate?

well there can be one answer and it’s i don’t know

Why is there no clearly defined boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate?

well there can be one answer and it’s i don’t know

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What is the largest of the original 13 colonies of America according to population?

New York No, it was Virginia. Article I of the Constitution specifies how many representatives each state would get in the House of Representatives until the first census could be conducted. It gives New York six representatives but Virginia ten. Without a census the framers did not have exact numbers but they clearly knew that Virginia had close to twice the population of New York.

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A formal boundary is a clearly defined and legally recognized dividing line between two areas, such as countries, states, or properties. It is typically established through official agreements, treaties, or surveys, and is often marked by physical markers like fences or walls.

When the boy call his friend swimming in pool will his friend could hear it?

This depends on a lot of things. Things like how far they are. Also how clearly the person says it.