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He was sailing around one of the poles.

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Q: A man sailed singlehanded around the world in a small boat yet he was always in sight of land how come?
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Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India ten years later.

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Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India ten years later.

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Which explorers sailed around that southern tip of Africa?

Dias sailed to the southern tip of Africa in 1488.

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James Cook (not yet a captain) was the first European to sight the east coast of New Zealand in 1769. Abel Tasman had only sailed south of New Zealand in 1642.

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Depends on the target. Generally, but not always, a telescopic sight.

Who sailed the southen tip of Africa in 1488?

Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India ten years later.