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Q: You want a conclusion on sports and games in the life of a student?
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What is the importance of sports and games explain briefly?

By playing games person remains active, games help them to overcome from the problems related muscles and bones that's why everyone should be engage in some sought of sports activities always.

How do sports and games are helpfu l?

sports and games are very important in ones life. it is entertaining and also good for health.

What is a real life example of triangular prism in games or sports?

Pup tent or lean-to

Why are sports more important than studies?

Studies are always more important than sports because studies have much more vacancies than sports. If you are interested or good in any subject than u can atleast make a career in which you can spend your life happily but in sports if any person performed better than you.. Then you are shown the exit door...

What was daily life like for colonial children?

children often played games on sports outside

What are some of Louis XVI positive events?

Personally..i have came to the understanding conclusion that he was a complete failure in every aspect of life. -Brandon Verduzco , student @ upland hs

What is the conclusion of the Olympic Games Spirit?

The Olympic spirit is best expressed in the Olympic Creed: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."

Conclusion of pollution in your life?

comy conclusion is very simple.. we shuold protectour

Should academic achievement be everythings in student's life?

don't put all your eggs in one basket-lead a balanced life-sports,arts,politics,etc can all enrich your academic life-so can friends,family and lovers.

When was On the Poverty of Student Life created?

On the Poverty of Student Life was created in 1966.

What sports and games are played in Nigeria?

in nigeria they play alot of soccer soccer is a huge part of there culture and life stlye

What are the advantages and disadvantages of student participating in sports?

I myself, disliked sports because I liked to camp, fish- do my own things. However, I know of the advantages I missed out on. -ADVANTAGES: Student remains active and thus lives a healthy life style. Student may be look upon by colleges later in life if strongly active in sports. Student may be looked upon by peers as a healthy individual- and may lead to peers quitting any drug habits they may have. -DISADVANTAGES (very few) : Student (depending on school, or coach) may get home very late, leading to the possible difficulties keeping up with his/her work. Sometimes depending on the sport- student could get seriously injured, I.E. Concussion, broken bones.. etc. this is a very obvious side affect that we tend to get over when getting involved with these activities.