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Cracked corn There are pigeon mixes that you can find online. You can also buy general bird seed at any pet store, but I recommend seed specifically for pigeons. Whatever you decide to feed him, you must include some "grit" in his food. Just a pinch. It is tiny ground up gravel or oyster shells or sometimes eggshells. It is the way pigeons digest food. They need a little of these rough stones to grind down the seed in their stomach. But you cant give him too much grit or he will get sick. Find a bird vet and they will be able to help you out! Good luck, pigeons are super super smart (smarter than a 3 year old child!) and they make wonderful pets!

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13y ago
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12y ago

Pigeons are grain eaters. Rice, white or brown, split peas, barley, buckwheat, canary seed, etc., are all good first options to feed a lost bird with. For racing most fanciers use the 12% mixture of grains. They also need grit because they have no teeth.

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14y ago

Pigeons thrive on food scraps and spillages. They congregate easily wherever food is readily available or where spillages are more common.

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12y ago

Grain. Seeds like millet, corn, sunflower, milo.

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13y ago

we feed ours cat food peas and water.

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13y ago

seeds and one other thing

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Bread, worms, tiny insects.

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13y ago

bread and seeds

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One can find information about clocking systems used for pigeon racing in pigeon racing videos. In addition, online encyclopedias on pigeon racing will provide information.

What has the author Jan Aerts written?

Jan Aerts has written: 'Pigeon Racing' -- subject(s): Pigeon racing, Racing pigeons

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Old Hand. has written: 'The racing pigeon & pigeon racing for all'

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Diary of a Racing Pigeon - 1940 was released on: USA: 23 November 1940

What is involved when racing pigeons?

Some rules for pigeon racing include that you need good pigeons to be successful and be sure that you feed them from weeks old the same type of food mixture. You can learn more about Pigeon Racing online at the Wikipedia website.

How do you keep a pigeon at home?

Find books about racing loft and pigeon information and you will be fine.

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How do you improve memory of racing pigeon?

Improving the memory of a racing pigeon takes practice. Start out with a short distance and slowly increase it. This will help to build memory.

The fastest bird?

Racing Pigeon at about 100 MPH

What is a female racing pigeon called?

The female is called a hen.

Do racing pigeons stop along the race?

depending on the pigeon