Before I tell you the answer, let me just say that there are laws prohibiting any disturbance of a migratory bird's nest and there are fines and penalties for doing so. That said, they should only be moved if absolutely necessary and only if the only other option is the destruction of the nest.
Yes, it is possible, but it has to be done very, very carefully or the bird may abandon the nest.
If you see a killdeer fake a broken wing and begin moving one direction, it means they have a nest nearby and they're trying to distract a predator--you--away from the nest in order to protect the eggs or chicks.
The bird that makes a nest on the ground is called a Killdeer. They often build shallow nests in gravel or dirt, blending in with their surroundings to help protect their eggs and chicks.
They eat a diet olf worms, ants, and insect larva. Do not mistaken them... they also eat ticks. Yes, ticks. Do not attempt to kill a killdeer when it is on its nest. You will be attacked. Good Luck!
You're not supposed to move it at all and there are laws against disturbing a nest. If you move it even a little, you risk the bird abandoning the nest. It's usually best to "work around" the situation by placing cones or barriers around the nest until it hatches and the family leaves. However, there have been cases where the nest had to be moved or it would be definitely destroyed. In these cases, the nest was moved, very carefully and gradually only as far as it was necessary to keep it out of danger. All nesting rocks and other material were also moved and placed exactly as the parent had set them up. Also, lighting conditions were similar. If there are chicks in or near the nest, you can't move it no matter what the circumstance is.
By feigning injury, dragging a wing on the ground and screeching. Killdeer are masters at "faking out" intruders. And, if feigning injury doesn't work, they will get really loud, fly around, and sometimes swoop at the intruders.
killdeer is the only bird i can think of now but when i remmember i will improve my answer penguins
The address of the Killdeer Public Library is: 101 High Street NW, Killdeer, 58640 0579
First , the two will use camouflage as their first means of protection . The Killdeer will attempt to distract a predator away from the nest by feigning injury while leading the predator away from her nest whereas Quail will protect their offspring by covering them with her wings . Outside of these stratagems I'm not sure what other means they employ in the protection of their young .
Killdeer primarily eat insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and spiders. They may also consume small fish, snails, and seeds. Their diet is diverse and can vary based on habitat and availability of food sources.
they fly at night only because they have vision like a cat exapt a lot brighter so it is very hard for it to see and do not move a lot and they really don't like to fly they only fly to hunt and look for a perfect nest and they are in the hawk family
The phone number of the Killdeer Public Library is: 701-764-5877.