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shoot them buy a fake owl buy wind chimes get a cat call a pest control service Depending where you are, shooting them might get you in trouble with the law,(discharging a firearm in public, city limits, county lines without a permit to hunt etc.) Also, if you have neighbors you might end up shooting their windows out, worse their, child, dog, or cat, by accident. Getting a cat for the purpose of patroling your property, is unrealistic. Cat's are prone to do what they are interested in doing. Besides, Blue Jays are among the most intelligent of birds, they can slip through the treetops without a sound or announce their arrival with that famous screaming Jayyy! They are aggresive and learn quickly. (Some beat up cats!) They often travel in large intimidating flocks. But one advantage you may have, if they are in a large flock they may move on of their own accord. Many Jays are permanent residents, but usually they are the singles, or small groups of two or three. But some of the larger flocks move south in fall, and may pass along the coast and lakeshores. They like wooded areas, parks and good sized yards in the eastern areas. You might want to verify that they are indeed Blue Jays, some other birds are very much like them only a little smaller (Bluebirds and buntings). There are lots of excellent guide and reference books. If it is a small group, and/or you know they are full year residence, the owl idea can work, but you need to move the owl often. Also a really good fake snake, cotton mouth, has been used by a neighbor of mine to discourage Jays. Move both often and in real placement. Keep it in, or near the area that the Jays like to use and cause the most disturbance. Just know that they will bother other animals and birds as well. Just as the cat will and any pest controll product. If you feed your birds, you could consider not feeding for a couple of weeks. The Jays will find a new spot to feed and you may find some peace. Just know that, when you start feeding again, it might just be a matter of time before they are BACK. Making or accepting some form of accomadations may be the least stressfull on both bird and man.

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