Female ballerinas where pink tights
Ballerinas wear buns to keep their hair out of their face while dancing. it is also because unless it is the maid dancer ballarnas like to look uniform
I wear makeup and it's because I'm really ugly and i have lots of blemishes and i don't want everyone to see them so i cover them up.
its so easy....... ballerinas wear tutus when they dance and perform!
Get lots of sleep, wash your face in the morning (and if you are a girl wear a little makeup), smile and be positive.
Wood, a bunch of glue, and satin.
Natural beauty is great it shows the person is confident in the way they look, and may not like to wear makeup.However it is not more important, I do wear makeup and I do wear it to make myself feel more confident as I am not happy with complexion, I wear foundation.Woman/ girls wear makeup for lots of different reasons, it isnt wrong but if you wear too much makeup you can make your self look somewhat clown like, so be careful when applying it.
Yes, Cleopatra more than likely wore makeup because ancient egyptians did wear lots of makeup. Probably like an old type of mascara and eyeliner and some sort of colorful crushed up as eyeliner.
Lots of fruit and raw fish, aka sushi. Also, carots sadly.
Elizabeth Blackwell did not wear makeup at all
Yes anybody that wants to wear makeup can