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There are many different sports that may improve your posture. Examples include Yoga, many Martial Arts such as Karate or Kung Fu, or an outside activity involving much standing running around! Anything that tests your balance or muscular groups will somewhat improve your posture as it will make you more aware of your centre of balance.

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16y ago

Any martial arts require a good posture to do. Equestrian also requires a good posture. also dance, gymnastics, ice skating, Fencing....

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Is sport really good for us?

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How do you use posture in a sentence?

So simple... I have very good posture...use very good posture...u need posture when playin and instrument...

Why do you have to have a good posture when singing?

have good posture lets you get more air cause you luges are not compress so you can sing for longer if you have good posture

Is good posture important?

It is very important to have a good posture... If not, your bones and your muscles will be stucked forever and it will be permanent. So, meaning, having a good posture.

Why sport is so important?

because it lets you sweat and when you sweat you feel refreshing after a good nights sleep

How can you use posture in a sentence?

Good posture at the piano can enhance your musicality and bad posture can impede it.

What is meant by having a good posture?

Good posture means your statue and the way in which you hold your self. Example a good posture means a good back and picking your feet up whilst walking.

Proper health habits for good posture?

No good if you have posture affecting diseases is it. Nothing you can do about it in that case.

Is wrestling a good sport for a girl?

it doesn't really matter what gender you are because they will not make you fight a different gender because it would be unfair so if your interested go for it its a good sport and it keeps you fit!