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I have one on my hand because I wondered how far a needle would have to go under my skin to make a good tattoo. Now I realize it was a bad place for that, but I was 18 what can you do?

Answerone of the main reasons for having a black dot on the knuckle of fore hand is to represent the length of time someone has spent in prison much the same as having a tear next to the eye AnswerThe tear means you lost someone dear to you AnswerI THOUGHT A DOT MEANT HOW MANY TIMES YOU WAS IN JAIL .... AnswerIm not sure what the black dot means. But a black dot on the knuckle or the forearm does not mean how many years you've been in prison and it also doesn't mean that you've lost a love one. The tear drop on the side of the eye represents how many people that you have killed. The representation of a love one gone can be represented in many other ways such as a name. AnswerI don't know about a single black dot, but three black dots either means 'my crazy life' for latin gangs, or 'i care for nothing' for Asian gangs. A non filled-in tear means you've killed someone, a filled in tear means you've lost a family member, close friend, or fellow gang member. Answera single black dot means u r 2 big a sissy to get a real tat AnswerA single black dot on on the center of the top of your hand represents where your from...My father had one along with his brothers and all of their friends to represent their projects. When I asked other people about the dot they also told me that it is a sign of representing where you or your family comes from. A lot of Irish people from South Boston get the dot on the top of the hand, or old school Irish people did, as to my knowledge.


Here in the NL 3 dots in a triangle on the skin between your Index Finger and your thumb means f#ck the police ( think its even illegal to have that tattoo here )


1 black dot between thumb and forefinger on each hand was an old way of advertising that you were a homosexual without getting beaten.


One dot on the bottom of the thumb closest to the hand means "Loca"....short for "Mi Vida Loca"


Down in Cali, one dot between your index and thumb meant you loved to smoke some weed, it's a style down there, everyone has one.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

i heard tht it means tht your a south side

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