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it really depends on the girl. some girls will be still kool wid yoh even after she said no, and some girls will try to avoid yoh.

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Q: What can you do she say you no when you propose her?
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Umm...I guess e-mail her, or phone her, but don't say its you.If she's not talking to you, why propose to her anyway?

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yeah a girl sim can propose!!!!!! mine is a girl too and i got her to propose!!!! you have to kiss (not make out) them 2 or 3 times (maybe more) then on the list of things you can do or say, it will say propose click on that and shell get on her knees and hold up a diamond ring. if there is white stuff and hearts around them hell say yes if there isn't hell say no (mine said no the first 2 times)... then if it worked it will say congradulations! you married ___________ (whoever you married) have a good wedding!!!!!!!!

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Generally "Will you marry me" is the globally accepted method.

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You need to become more romantic with your partner :D

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Well propose to him if you truly love him, and he will say yes if he loves you as well.

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She thinks of you as a friend, not boyfriend or husband.

Did Isabella say yes to edward when he propose in twilight new moon?

yes. he did