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Shower or bathe to wash off the chlorine, then apply a cortisone cream, you might be allergic to the chlorine. Oral benadryl might help. If no improvement, go tp the ER/ When you swim in a pool during the day the sun reflects off the water so a burn is more likely to occur to the individual. Mix 1 cup of Epsom Salts (NOT LIKE TABLE SALT AND WON'T STING) with boiling water to melt the crystals. Run a TEPID BATH (body temp) and pour the mixture of Epsom Salts in the bath water and soak for a good 20 minutes. This will draw out the burn and is also great for sore muscles or itchy rashes. Got some news for ya. Those burns are not from chlorine even if those levels were at 10 ppm or higher.

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Q: What can you apply to the skin if it is red after swimming many hours in chlorinated water and the chlorine burns on your skin from swimming?
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Related questions

Can chlorine cause skin burns?

Yes, exposure to chlorine gas or highly concentrated chlorine can cause skin burns. It can irritate the skin, leading to redness, itching, and in severe cases, burns. It is important to handle chlorine properly and use caution to avoid skin contact.

What do people get hungry after swimming in an olympic pool?

Swimming burns a lot of energy.

In what situation would it be difficult to give first aid treatment to chemical burns?

Chlorine burns

What can you apply to the skin after swimming and sunning in chlorinated water and the chlorine burns have left blisters on your skin?

I guess, you can help yourself with your skin by using lotions or such with Phytessence Wakame, Cynergy TK and CoQ10 can help to rebuild collagen, in fact they can stimulate keep it natural. That will help your skin condition make it better. Chlorine is not intriduced into pools in concentrations so high that they will raise blisters. Nor is the interaction of sunburn and chlorine likely to have any effect (unless whoever chlorinated the pool introduced a MASSIVE amount of chlorine, in which case you can expect a lot more than a few blisters). Instead, the blisters you refer to are likely second degree sunburn. Don't break the blisters. Cover them with a loose, protective dressing and wait. If they cover a surface area less than that of your hand, simple treat them at home: * Rinse gently with cool, clean water. Let air dry if possible. Be Very gentle. * Let the blisters alone until they pop on their own: * Debrided the dead skin, apply anticeptic liquids (not creams) and recover with a loose dressing. * Wound check at least once a day. * For the unblistered skin, there are lots of pleasant lotions that can help to ease the discomfort.

Swimming pool and chemical burns?

This is not a question. Be specific

Do chlorine fumes affect respiratory system?

Yes, it burns.

Is chlorine safe?

It depends entirely on the concentration of the chlorine. If it's too strong, it can cause severe burns on the skin.

What happens if you swim in a pool with too much chlorine?

Swimming in a pool with excessive chlorine can cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and even chemical burns. It can also lead to headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It's important to maintain proper chlorine levels in the pool to ensure a safe swimming environment.

What harmful effects can chlorine bleach have if swallowed by human?

chemical burns

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Exercise that burns the most calories at the YMCA?

I would say swimming.

Is chlorine a corrosive combustible or flammable?

Corrosive, but it also 'burns' with hydrogen gas