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That all depends on genetics. I am a natural bodybuilder and proud of it, and I plan on always being natural. Since my first contest in 03' I weighed 148 on stage, and my last contest 168 on stage in late 06. So I've put on 20lbs of muscle in roughly 3 years. Now If I had been eating correctly and training to my fullest potentil the entire 7 years I've been training, I might've made even more gains. Ultimately it boils down to how much you're eating, if your training correctly for you body, and if you're getting enough down time for your body to recover enough to put on muscle. I personally know people who've taken anabolic steroids and they didn't eat right and they made minimal gains. So it's not a simple cut and dry answer. There are many things that factor into it, and if you are missing even one piece of that puzzle, then you won't meet your full potential. Again, it boils down to gentics, but from what I've read, and learned if your natural, training properly and eating right as well, you can expect to put on between 5-10lbs a year. another example would be that the very best natural bodybuilders in the world walk on stage in the low, usually very low, 200's. The very biggest guys on the planet, those that use steroids, walk onstage at over 300 lbs. Lou Ferrigno once walked onstage in the early 90's at nearly 320 pounds! So obviously, you cant get nearly as big without steroids as you can by using them.

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Q: How muscular can you get without steroids?
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straining le muscles? or steroids.. sorry if this didn't help..

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Testosterone is the cornerstone of steroids. Alone, it's OK, but steroids without testosterone is bad.

What type of steroids can you buy in stores?

It's illegal to buy them from stores or drug stores without prescription. Altough there are countries where steroids are sold without a prescription.

Can you buy steroids in France?

Steroids can be found in some prescription drugs. Getting a prescription on medical grounds (not to enhance muscular mass or so on) is the only legal way of buying some at a pharmacy. Importing, selling, offering, possessing or using steroids out of that legal frame are criminal offences in France.

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take steroids

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people can use steroids because they don't feel comfortable bout themselves, or their body image, they want to be more muscular, they have feelings of enhanced confidence or they have been introduced to steroids from peer pressure.

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it works because you can't move without the muscular system