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Q: Sean and his mom start running around a 1 mile track at the same time Sean runs 1 mile every 8 minutes his mom runs 1 mole every 10 minutes how many minutes will they be together at the starting line?
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How long would it to run 1 mile?

It depends on how fast you are running. If you are going at a steady jog then around 12- 14 minutes, but if you are running quite fast then it can take around 6 -7 minutes.

How many calories burned running for 40 minutes?

Around 450 calories

How long does it take to run 2 miles if you are just starting out?

Around 15 minutes.

Three racehorses can run around the track in one minute.The horses line up at the starting line and start running in the same direction. How many minutes will pass before all three meet again?

they will be at the same pace the whole time so there will be 0 minutes before they meet again

How many minutes are in a mile?

The number of minutes in a mile will vary depending on your pace while running or walking. On average, it takes most people around 12-15 minutes to walk a mile, while running a mile typically takes 7-10 minutes.

One trip around a running track is 440 yards One jogger can complete one lap in 8 minutes the other can complete it in 6 minutes How long will it take for both joggers to arrive at their starting?

The first jogger takes 8 minutes for one lap, while the second takes 6 minutes. To find when they both meet at the starting point, you must find the least common multiple (LCM) of 8 and 6. The LCM of 8 and 6 is 24. Therefore, it will take them 24 minutes to meet at the starting point.

How long will it take to run a 5k race running at 14k per hour?

Around 21 minutes and 40 seconds

How do you get strong at 10 years old?

Running around the block and lifting water bottles everyday for like 15 minutes

What exercise does a cat need?

Running around outside so you need to let them out for at least 30 minutes, but 10 mins if it is colder

What are the running watts compared to the starting watts?

When you first turn on a motor it is starting from a static position and more current is required to get the motor up to speed (Starting current) than to keep it running (running current). Since watts equals amps times voltage you can see the difference in wattage is related to current. If you look at watts as work being done it is obvious that it requires more work to get the motor running than to keep it running.

How fast do you have to run to do 2 miles in 16 minutes?

2 miles in 16 minutes = 7.5 miles per hour This is roughly equal to running 8 times around an outdoor track and doing each lap in 2 minutes.

How many calories would a 90kg woman burn up by running at a moderate pace for 15 minutes?

Around 100. Depends on your height.