22 Ft.
About one foot.
jump, and press jump in mid air. some characters can jump multiple times.
You cannot jump twice in Transformice, however you can jump in the middle of the air. This is called "air jumping" This can be done by leaving a platform, not by jumping off it but simply by walking off it. This allows you to jump once in the air. For everytime you have contact with an object or platform in gains you the ability to jump once.
A very tricky level! Make the first jump long if you can - ideally you want to land on the other side of the button to not turn on the first boxes as this makes the next jump easier. Then do another very long jump to get to the second platform - you will turn on the boxes this time! Time the next long jump to avoid the boxes. You will have started the next box dropping machine so drop onto the light blue button to start the platform moving. When a box drops onto this the machine will stop, then you can jump on as well. Get onto the box and jump off at the other end.
That's about 4 times the height of a grown man.
No ... 2.2 meters is 7 feet, 2.6 inches.
The komodo dragon could jump as high as a chair and 5.2 feet high
they could jump up to 1 and a half feet.
12 feet
The height to which a frog can jump is difficult to assess. Some biologists report leaps of 2 meters or more. We usually just measure how far a frog can jump. The longest of the measured leaps is about 7 meters. Frogs have been known to jump out of trees and cover distances of many tens of meters in a kind of glide. A frog can jump more than 2.5 meters roughly 3 meters.
A panther can jump 18 feet into the air to leap onto rocks, ledges, or other supports. When jumping horizontally, panthers have been known to jump as far as 30 feet.
10 feet high?
frogs can jump 2 meters or more. The highest recorded frog jump was 7 meters!10 feet
It is 2.45 meters - the high jump world record by Javier Sotomayer of of Cuba. This is 7 feet 11 1/2 inches.
An impala can jump more than 9 meters and 2.5 meters high.
Stefka Kostadinova of Bulgaria with a jump of 2.05 meters (6 feet, 8 3/4 inches).