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A block is not a measure of distance. You'd need to be more specific.

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Q: How many times would you have to run around the block to run a total of one mile?
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How many times around the block would be a marathon?

I would say it depends on how large the block is. But, if it's a normal sized block it would be 368 times around....Sounds like a lot... Right?

How many times would you have to run around the block to run a total of one mile if one block is 3000 feet?

There are 5,280 feet per mile, so you would need to run (5280 / 3000) 1.76 blocks.

What would the total displacement be if you walked from your front door around the block and then stopped when you reached your front door?

A. One block. im doing the same worksheet right now.

How many times would you have to run around a block of 3000 feet distance to run 1 mile?

1 mile = 5,280 feet5,280 feet = 1.76 times 3,000 feet

What would the total displacement be if you walked from your front dooraround the block and then stopped when you reached your front door again?

one block

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4 To reach the total distance of one mile, you would have to run around a 1/4 mile track 4 times.

How do you say the city block in spanish?

This would be "manzana urbana" Manzana also means apple, but it can also be said for 'going around the block or for a block' as in 'city block'

For exercise you decide to walk around the block How far do you walk if the block is 750m long and 500m wide?

You would have walked 2500m..

What is the weight of a 1968 Cadillac motor?

I would guesstimate (without exhaust manifolds) 350 lbs. that depends on which engine. a small block like a 327 would be around 400 pounds. a big block like the 454 would be around 550

What requires more power runnig around the block or walking around the block?

Usually it would be running because you need to lift your legs back farther and use your calves.

How many times would all public roads in the US wrap around the earth?

The total length of public roads in the US is approximately 4.1 million miles. The circumference of the Earth is about 24,901 miles. Dividing the total length of US public roads by the Earth's circumference gives us approximately 164.6. Therefore, US public roads would wrap around the Earth around 165 times.