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Q: How many times do you have to run up and down the stairs for it to equal a mile?
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How many times on Family Guy has Peter Griffin fallen down the stairs?

like 3 or 4 times

How many flights of stairs equal a mile?

It takes about 20 flights of stairs to equal a mileRead more: How_many_flights_of_stairs_are_equal_to_one_mile

How do you make the sentence stairs and stares?

Taking a pratfall down the stairs brought me many stares.

How many flights is 354 stairs?

There are 354 steps to get to the top of the Statue of Liberty. That is equal to almost 15 flights of stairs.

How many syllables in downstairs?

2 Down-stairs

How many stairs does Bella's mom think she fell down in twilight?

Two flights of stairs, then out a window.

How many feet in a flight of stairs?

It takes about 20 flights of stairs to equal a mile.

How many calories burned running a flight of stairs 10 times 12 steps on the stairs i do this every morning just curious?

225 cal

Can you get whiplash from falling down the stairs?

ya depending on how high it is, in what condition you are in, how many stairs there are, what they are made of... well obviously. you could die from about anything it depends the situation. like do you mean 3 stairs or 21 concrete stairs riding on a wheelchair with cancer. so what i am getting at is that YES, you can die from falling down stairs! by the way i am extremely bored

How many times do 12 years old go up the stairs to lose weight?

A lot.

How many stairs from Altos De Chavon village down to the river of Chavon?

I think 150 to 250

How many entrances in the patio room in clue?

there are 4 entrances down the 4 sets of white stairs!