The driving distance from Defiance, OH to Auburn Hills, MI is 150 miles.
how many miles from windsor ontario to auburn hills michigan
The address of the Reid Family Foundation is: 2600 Auburn Ct, Auburn Hills, MI 48326-3201
The Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit, Michigan
Wrong name, if we're talking about the same place ... "The Palace at Auburn Hills" is located in Detroit, Michigan. Home of the Detroit Pistons.
The headquarters of the Chrysler Corporation is located in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Auburn Hills is a suburb of Detroit The corporation was first organized in 1925
September 4th, 2010 at the Palace of Auburn Hills :)
The Chrysler Headquarters and Technology Center is located in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The complete physical address is 800 Chrysler Driver, Auburn Hills, MI 48326.
Guardian Industries, Auburn Hills, Michigan -- $6 billion annually.
The address of the Auburn Hills Public Library is: 3400 East Seyburn Drive, Auburn Hills, 48326 2759
UFC 123 would be another interesting event to watch, this will take place at Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan on Saturday night November 20, 2010
The population of Auburn Hills in Michigan is 21543 according to the 201 census. This will give a good estimate but of course some people will have moved away and others moved there in the last two years.