The distance between Vancouver, BC, and Red Deer, AB, is 1,115km and will take about 12 Hours 19 Minutes of driving time.
The driving distance from Red Deer to Calgary, Alberta is about 142 km
The driving distance from Red Deer, AB, Canada to Halifax, NS, Canada is 3306.81mi / 5321.79km
The driving distance is about 1,090km.
The air distance -- within Canada -- from Red Deer, Alberta, to Vancouver, British Columbia, is 457 miles. That equals 735 kilometers or 397 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Calgary, AB, Canada to Red Deer, AB, Canada is 147km
About 1,630 miles and 30 hours driving time.
About 91 miles.
Going through Montana, the average driving distance is 1,370 miles, depending on exactly where in Montana you go to.
The driving distance is 3,500km / 2,200 miles. Since there are usually several routes, including back roads, this is an approximate distance.